Graduate Programs
NMSU offers a wide variety of Graduate Programs for doctoral and master’s degrees, as well as graduate certificates. Programs and courses can be offered as traditional face-to-face, hybrid, and online only. Refer to the Graduate Catalog for the most up-to-date information regarding degree programs, program delivery, and admissions. The drop-down menus below provide an overview of the current programs including contact information and application deadlines.
Special Programs
The master’s accelerated program (MAP) provides an opportunity for academically qualified undergraduate students to begin working on a master’s degree during their junior and senior years while completing a bachelor’s degree. Typically, a bachelor’s degree requires four years to complete and a master’s degree requires an additional two years. The master’s accelerated programs allow students the opportunity to complete a graduate program in an accelerated manner.
Interdisciplinary studies , at New Mexico State University, are intended for individuals specializing in programs that require the integration of more than one discipline to fully engage in the field of study. The programs provide a mechanism to address emerging scholarship, innovation and research, as well as, allow graduate students to engage in emerging technologies that optimize their education outside the traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Special Note! Between the departmental and International deadlines, the earlier of these two will take precedence.
For example, If the department’s deadline is Jan 15th and International one is Feb 1st, Jan 15th is the final deadline to apply.
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Science
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Summer admission is due by February 15th.
Fall admission is due by March 1st.
Spring admission is due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Agriculture
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Agriculture (Online)
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline:
Fall applications due by Jun 1st.
Spring applications due by October 1st.
Summer applications due by March 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Agriculture
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Agriculture (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Applications for summer admission are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by June 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by June 1st.
Applications for spring admission are due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science (Online)
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Applications for summer admission are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission are due by March 1st.
Spring admission are due by November 1st.
Summer admission are due by February 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission is due by February 1st.
Spring admission is due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission is due by February 1st.
Spring admission is due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission is due by February 1st.
Spring admission is due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission is due by February 1st.
Spring admission is due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission is due by February 1st.
Spring admission is due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission is due by February 1st.
Spring admission is due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission is due by February 1st.
Spring admission is due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
College of Arts and Sciences
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: Applications are due by December 15th.
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by December 15th.
Applications for spring admission are due by September 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Applications for fall admission are due by February 15th.
Applications for spring admission are due by July 15th.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: New Mexico Doctoral in Geography
Application Deadline:
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Applications are due by January 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: New Mexico Doctoral in Geography
Application Deadline:
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline:
Fall applications are due by March 1st.
Spring applications are due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Fine Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Fine Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by December 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline for Thesis-MS:
Fall Admissions are due by March 1st.
Spring Admissions are due by September 1st.
Application Deadline for Non-Thesis-MS:
There is no specific deadline for the non-thesis track applications.
Rolling based applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Applications for Fall Admissions are due by February 15th.
Applications for Spring Admissions are due by July 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Data Analytics
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
This program only admits students for the Fall and Spring Semesters.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Data Analytics (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Data Analytics specialization in Digital Agriculture (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Criminal Justice
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Criminal Justice (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Administration and Master of Criminal Justuce
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by February 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by July 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Applied Geography
Application Deadline:
Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by January 15th.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Administration
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Administration and Master of Criminal Justuce
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Administration and Master of Criminal Justuce
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline:
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Administration and Master of Criminal Justuce
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by January 15th.
Spring admission due by September 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Music
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Music
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Music
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Music
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline:
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline:
Fall applications are due by February 1st.
Spring applications are due by September 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline:
Fall applications are due by February 1st.
Spring applications are due by September 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
College of Business
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Economic Development
Application Deadline:
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st (soft deadline).
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Accountancy
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline:
Fall applications due by Jun 1st.
Spring applications due by October 1st.
Summer applications due by March 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline: Applications are due by June 1st.
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline:
Fall applications due by Jun 1st.
Spring applications due by October 1st.
Summer applications due by March 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline:
Fall applications due by Jun 1st.
Spring applications due by October 1st.
Summer applications due by March 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline:
Fall applications due by Jun 1st.
Spring applications due by October 1st.
Summer applications due by March 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline: Applications are due by June 1st.
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline:
Fall applications due by Jun 1st.
Spring applications due by October 1st.
Summer applications due by March 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline: Applications are due by June 1st.
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline:
Fall applications due by Jun 1st.
Spring applications due by October 1st.
Summer applications due by March 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Business Administration
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Applications are due by July 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Online)
Application Deadline:
Admission into the program is once a year starting in the fall semester.
Applications are due by June 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
College of Engineering
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Fall admission March 1st.
Spring admission November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Fall admission March 1st.
Spring admission November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadlines:
Fall applications are due by March 1st
Spring applications are due by Nov 1st
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Fall admission March 1st.
Spring admission October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline:
Fall admission March 1st.
Spring admission October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Information Technology (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Engineering
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by October 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by March 1st.
Spring admission due by November 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Program Info Apply Now
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Online)
Application Deadline:
There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Program Info Apply Now
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
College of Health, Education and Social Transformation
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by December 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the summer semester.
Applications are due by January 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Nursing Practice (Online)
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by May 15th 11:59 ET.
SON Graduate Advisor: Anthony Castro ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Nursing Practice (Online)
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by March 15th 11:59 EST.
SON Graduate Advisor: Anthony Castro ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Nursing Practice (Online)
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by April 1st 5:00pm MT.
SON Graduate Advisor: Anthony Castro ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Nursing Practice (Online)
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by May 15th 11:59 ET.
SON Graduate Advisor: Anthony Castro ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Nursing Practice
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are open from May 1st and the deadline is September 1st
SON Graduate Advisor: Anthony Castro ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by December 15th.
HES PhD Coordinator: Rebecca Palacios, PhD ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by January 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the spring semester.
Applications are due by January 31st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the spring semester.
Applications are due by January 31st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Education
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by January 31st.
Applications that are submitted after the deadline will be considered for the following fall
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Doctor of Education
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by January 31st.
Applications that are submitted after the deadline will be considered for the following fall
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the summer semester.
Applications are due by February 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Admission requires pre-approval from the department.
Please contact Elsa Arroyos, for more information.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are generally processed for the following fall semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the summer semester.
Applications are due by February April 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Science in Nursing (Online)
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for fall semester
Applications are due by February August 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Health
Domestic Applications, including the US, Canada, and Mexico :
For the spring semester, applications are due by November 15th.
For the fall/summer semester, applications are due by March 15th.
International Applications :
Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 15th.
We also consider applications submitted before November 15th.
Applicants must include a WES or Span-Tran transcript evaluation.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Health (Online)
Domestic Applications, including the US, Canada, and Mexico :
For the spring semester, applications are due by November 15th.
For the fall/summer semester, applications are due by March 15th.
International Applications :
Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 15th.
We also consider applications submitted before November 15th.
Applicants must include a WES or Span-Tran transcript evaluation.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Health
Domestic Applications, including the US, Canada, and Mexico :
For the spring semester, applications are due by November 15th.
For the fall/summer semester, applications are due by March 15th.
International Applications :
Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 15th.
We also consider applications submitted before November 15th.
Applicants must include a WES or Span-Tran transcript evaluation.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Public Health (Online)
Domestic Applications, including the US, Canada, and Mexico :
For the spring semester, applications are due by November 15th.
For the fall/summer semester, applications are due by March 15th.
International Applications :
Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by February 15th.
We also consider applications submitted before November 15th.
Applicants must include a WES or Span-Tran transcript evaluation.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Social Work (Full-Time Advanced)
Application Deadline:
Admission is once a year for the Fall session.
Applications are due by April 1st.
Next application cycle opens at Octobor 1st
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Social Work (Full-Time Advanced) (Online)
Application Deadline:
Admission is once a year for the Fall session.
Applications are due by April 1st.
Next application cycle opens at Octobor 1st
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Social Work (Full-Time)
Application Deadline:
Admission is once a year for the Fall session.
Applications are due by April 1st.
Next application cycle opens at Octobor 1st
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Social Work (Full-Time) (Online)
Application Deadline:
Admission is once a year for the Fall session.
Applications are due by April 1st.
Next application cycle opens at Octobor 1st
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Social Work (Part-Time)
Application Deadline:
Admission is once a year for the Fall session.
Applications are due by April 1st.
Next application cycle opens at Octobor 1st
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Social Work (Part-Time) (Online)
Application Deadline:
Admission is once a year for the Fall session.
Applications are due by April 1st.
Next application cycle opens at Octobor 1st
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the Fall semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the Fall semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the summer session.
Applications are due by January 15th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Admission to the program will not meet minimun requirements for international students to get an I-20.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the spring semester.
Applications are due by January 17th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the spring semester.
Applications are due by January 17th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the fall semester.
Applications are due by May 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the spring semester.
Applications are due by January 17th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts in Teaching
Application Deadline: Admission is for the fall spring only.
Fall admission due by January 17th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts in Teaching (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is for the Spring semester only.
Applications are due by January 5th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: Admission is for the Spring semester only.
Applications are due by January 5th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: Admission is for the Spring semester only.
Applications are due by January 5th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: Admission is for the Spring semester only.
Applications are due by January 5th.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Program Director: Dr. Dulcinea Lara ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Post-Masters) (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Post-Masters) (Online)
Application Deadline:
Fall applications are due by March 15th 11:59 EST.
SON Graduate Advisor: Anthony Castro ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline:
For international students: Fall admission due by February 15th.
For domestic students: Admissions are rolling basis, processed in next entry semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate (Online)
Application Deadline:
Fall admission due by August 1st.
Spring admission due by March 1st.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: Admission is once a year for the Spring semester.
Applications are due by January 17th.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Certificate
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Master of Arts (Online)
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Program Director: Dr. Dulcinea Lara ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Program Director: Dr. Dulcinea Lara ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Program Director: Dr. Pamela Gray ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Degree offered: Graduate Minor
Application Deadline: There is no specific deadline for the applications.
Applications are generally processed for the following semester.
Program Director: Dr. Dulcinea Lara ( )
Visit the program page below for more information.
Non-degree admission is designed to meet the needs of an applicant who does not wish to pursue a degree or who has not yet completed the application process to a specific department. Academic advising for non-degree students is obtained from the academic department. No more than 9 graduate credits earned in non-degree status may be transferred to a graduate degree program. NMSU only recognizes graduate credit for non-degree work from the University of New Mexico (UNM). Transfer credits are restricted to 6 credits with the approval of the appropriate department, the college dean, and the graduate dean. A student classified as non-degree is not eligible to receive financial aid, student employment, or institutional tuition waivers, nor is he or she eligible to participate in student government or intercollegiate athletics; and Is not eligible to receive benefits from veterans’ programs. International students with an F-1 visa are not eligible to apply to this program.
An applicant that has not decided on a specific graduate degree program and has an undergraduate minimum grade-point average of 2.5 may be considered for admission as an undeclared master student. International students with an F-1 visa are not eligible for undeclared master status. Advising for an undeclared master student can be obtained from the Graduate School. Students in the standing are restricted to enrolling in 9 graduate credit hours. To continue enrollment a student must apply and be admitted into a degree-seeking program.